Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 16: Starting Session 2

My official first C# project 3 hours into class

Friday we had to pass a JavaScript exit test to move on. There were a couple of tricky questions, but overall I thought the test was fairly straight forward. I got half a point off for misnaming a object constructor (I named it "myObj", apparently is was suppose to be "Students").

Today we transitioned into the second phase of Coder Camps, back-end design. Camp is a microcosm of college: Session 1 are the Freshmen, Session 3 are the Seniors, Session 2 fall somewhere between Sophomores and Juniors. I've decided we are Sophomores for the first week and a half and then move up to Junior status. Even though we have only been here for three weeks, we are welcoming the new people with an air of sophistication.

The second session focuses on C# and the .Net framework. (So far I have refrained from making enharmonic D-flat jokes). There's been a lot of talk from the older troops that this session is a lot harder than the first. I'm hoping that by coming into the class expecting it to be very difficult, I will be pleasantly surprised when it is more manageable. I am tracking the difference in the JavaScript and C# languages in my notes. It helps me keep the bigger picture in my mind and I think it will be a good reference for when go back to JavaScript and merge the back-end with the front-end.